Saturday 7 June 2014

Artists notes

just finishing a three day weekend so nice. 
Been getting in to taking Polaroid photos been using colour Impossible film from . being impressed with the result, I brought a black and white cool shade pack. the result is good.
the only thing with the black and white is that it starts to change to serape due to humidity and temperature. so after doing a little research on their site they are now in a bag with a silicon pack. they have to stay in there for a month. this tacks out the moister from the photo fixing it making it last longer.
I left them over night on the desk in a warm room next to the computer, silly thing to do as with in 24hrs i found that the B&W pictures had stared to change colour. but after them being in a my make sift 'dry age kit'. my be its just my eye site but is seams to have slightly reversed the effects. cant wait to see if this works when i tack them out.
the one down side to this little hobby is it is expensive, but makes me smile to see them develop. Want to see more?

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