Sunday 21 July 2024

Moleskine #13

Moleskine 13, unlucky for some…
This was 6 years in the making. Looking through it theres not a lot in here but it got to a point were I just wanted to say, thank you and good night to it, number it and put it on the shelf.
Don,t get me wrong there is a lot that in her that I like, but also a lot that I don,t like.
So lets see what we have….
Above we have post-it notes from leg avenue which i doddled on to create more details on the coueset, and an unfinished feather.

Again, above we have another corset with ink, I think I was testing the paper.
Above and below: are sketches form an evening of baby siting.

Below: are some zentangle images that I done during lockdown at the beginning in 2021
Below: Porta 6 is my favourite red wine so I had to put a take the label off of one of the bottles that I had had and stick it in here
Below: I here I was plying with some ink and a gold Posca pen, the image left and centre are pages near the font of the book.
Below: Here are the design sketches for Christmas cards for 2023
Below: left we have one of my lino prints, centre we have the wrappers from my Rosa Gallary water colour pains, and right we have me testing out some marker pens. 
Below left is a sketch that I done during the first lock down in 2020, I had planner to do a whole series of these, - maybe I still will. centre is the the ideas for my fan fiction piece that i wrote and is posted over on my creative writing site. The Exorcist. And right are logo ideas for my sights. (may be one day I will get around to opening a Square space site and maybe try and make some money from all my work.) 
Below we have a bad image covered up with some craft paper and below that an image form a Unsplash reference
I got to a point where I just wanted this book finished and shelved as I was not really enjoying it. weather it was because if was a random sketchbook, and I normal have to a theme for each book.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Moleskine #012

Welcome to Moleskine number 12.

I started this sketchbook back on January 20th 2021, and finished it on July 9th 2023. (Yep it has taken me a while to get around to post this,  But here it is)

If I remember rightly we we in one of the many lockdowns that we had over the two years 

I enjoyed doing his one as it combines two of my styles and water colour. The Water colours that I used are from Roman Szmal, which come from Jackson Art. 

I love the granulating colours from this range as you can create some wonderful effects with them.

If you would Like to see more of my work follow me over on 

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Moleskine 11

Moleskine Eleven
The Swatch Book. Book One

In 2018 I started using a moleskine A5 landscape watercolour sketchbook as a swatch book.
As I had several small sets of watercolour paints and inks, I wanted somewhere where I had a swatch of each colour and the name.
Also I thought it would be interesting if I documented each palette I had by putting each colour down in the order in which they sat in the tin. Which is great as I can see the evolution of the palette.

My Cass art, Schmincke and Windsor and Newton are possibly the ones that have grown and changed the most since starting the book. Also the amount of pallets have grown since I done a post back in May 2018 Water Colour Paint And Pallet Collection. I only had half a dozen pallets back then, now I have quite a few. A lot of them are in this book but As it got full there are some missing.

(May I'll go through them all and give each one a post.)

I decided to put my Cass Art and Jackson Art water colour paints in the same pallet as both of them are made with a honey binder and work really well together

My Winsor and Newton profesional set has grown form a 24 set and now lives in a White Knights large plastic pallet which holds 64 half pans.

I  no longer have my Cotman water colour set. as much as I loved it I found myself no longer reaching for it, and in stead going to my other professional sets so this one got rehoused to one of my Neices.

My Daniel Smith set is in 2 pallets. One houses the water colours and the other houses the primatek water colour. 
The Roman Szmal pallets are possible one of my favourite brands at the moment and now is housed in 3 tins
The Schminke brand is definitely one that has grown over the years. I have one Pallet with the Super granulating colours in and another tin with the standard range

The following swatch pages are of Japanese water colour paints that I cot from Choosing Keeping.

A Gallo is a Italian brand which I have yet to use properly

The White Knights brand is a lovely set. How ever since the war in Ukraine stared in 2022 it is hard to find UK art suppliers that stock them.

Monday 25 July 2022

Ink tober 2021

I tried to do inktober last year, hoping that it might get me back in the swing of drawing. 
I got 3/4 of the way through and got distracted and stopped. I may pick it up again and finish the book using the prompts.